Welcome to the NEW Beer League Heroes!

Gift inside!

Greetings my fellow Beer Leaguers and welcome to our new site! It’s been a long time coming but we finally saved enough scratch to get our very own website! It wouldn’t be possible without out you guys, so kudos and many thanks to you!

In celebration of the grand opening of Beerleagueheroes.com I’d like to offer all of you 10% off of the BHL ’97 t-shirt (Below).

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Hurry and pick that up ASAP as it will be discontinued tomorrow!

We’re going to be tweaking the site a bit over the next few weeks and there’s sure to be some bumps and bruises. We appreciate your patience and will be duly rewarded with insight into the Edmonton Oilers none the like that you’ve ever read before! So buckle up kids, it’s gonna be a helluva ride!

Please enjoy the new site (the old site is still around if you want to check out the older posts!) and we’d appreciate any and all feedback regarding the new BLH! If you like what you read, please share it! The more you can do for us, the more we can do for you!

Take Care!


Beer League Hero Written by:

I'm the Beer League Hero! I am from Camrose, Alberta but I make my home in Taipei City, Taiwan. I've been through the ups and downs and the highs and the Lowes, the Bonsignores and the McDavids, the Sathers and the Eakins but I'll never leave my Oilers, no matter what! They're with me until the end and then some. GO OILERS GO!