New Connor McDavid Adidas Commercial

Surely this is the just the beginning of the machine called McDavid. This Connor McDavid Adidas ad is wicked! I’m loving the intensity at the end and can he turn this franchise around? HELL YA!!

Let me know in the comments below what your favorite hockey ad is!

If you think that is cool then check out our new t-shirt design called “The Lottery Line” featuring Hallsy, Yak, and McJesus! Click the pic below and get the shirt for 30% off but hurry because the sale ends today!

The Lottery Line by BLH
Click on the pic!
Beer League Hero Written by:

I'm the Beer League Hero! I am from Camrose, Alberta but I make my home in Taipei City, Taiwan. I've been through the ups and downs and the highs and the Lowes, the Bonsignores and the McDavids, the Sathers and the Eakins but I'll never leave my Oilers, no matter what! They're with me until the end and then some. GO OILERS GO!


  1. doug kadatz
    September 1, 2015

    Please have some respect. McDavid is not McJesus. Why not call him, McMohamed?

    • Beer League Hero
      September 1, 2015

      Hi Doug! Thanks for reading and commenting on our emerging site.

      I get what you’re saying and I understand it. It’s not meant to be disrespectful to those named Jesus. It’s just a play on words. Something to have a bit of fun with. Personally I think McMohamed is a bit too long to be catchy and it doesn’t flow the way McJesus does.

      I hope you can see the good intentions 🙂

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